"Promotional producs are essentially customized items that companies can brand and offer to customers and other parties. From apparel to office products and kitchenware, promotional items have become a staple in modern business. These products can help provide latent impressions over time, familierizing potential customer with a company's brand and offerings."

American Marketing Association
"Essential to every brand, promotional products - often referred to as merch, swag, promo, or advertising specialties - are customized items given to clients, employees, business partners, and othere. Organizations and influencers typically imprint their logos and messaging on physical items ranging from furniture to apparel, drinkware, pens, awards, and everything in between as a means of advertising, buuilding communities, and enhancing brand standing.

S.W.A.G. – Stuff we all get.
tchotchke – a small obect that is decorative rather than strictly functional; a trinket.